
Our operational network of passive radiofrequency sensors improves Space Domain Awareness.

CyberOps continues to develop SpaceIQ as a sovereign passive radiofrequency capability.

The SpaceIQ Network provides unique space situational awareness (SSA) capability to augment other sovereign optical and passive radar capabilities, thereby supporting an overall multidisciplinary space domain awareness (SDA) solution suite.

active satellites
yearly growth of additional sensors

Cyberops understands and empathises with their clients. Cyber Security Assessments, Consultation, Security Compliance, Cyber Training and Workshops.

Commonly asked questions

Why did CyberOps develop SpaceIQ?

SpaceIQ was developed by CyberOps for Space Domain Awareness missions to detect, track and characterise space objects. The network of multifunction radiofrequency (RF) sensors can also be tasked to undertake a range of Air, Sea and Land RF sensing missions.

How does SpaceIQ work?

The SpaceIQ platform and its network of passive radiofrequency (RF) sensors operate in a range of frequency bands, in multiple locations and in a cooperative or standalone mode of operation. Operators task the dispersed sensors and retrieve and review their observations via the central SpaceIQ platform which curates and stores the collected observation data in a sovereign data lake for future analysis.

What is the relationship between space and cyber, and where does SpaceIQ fit?

As Australia accelerates the development in its own sovereign space assets, it is vital to protect these new investments in space with the development of a capacity to design, build and maintain secure space assets, services and protect intellectual property. Sovereign missions under development will require specialist cyber guidance to protect their operations and assets.

Cyber attacks have already been carried out on traditional highly engineered multi-million dollar satellite assets and services. Cyber security vectors are expected to only increase. SpaceIQ allows us to collect space, air, sea and land radio transmissions data, which can be analysed to determine cyber and other intelligence, which can be in turn connected to other platforms and sensors to detect and defend against the unique threat vectors in space.

Why is sovereignty important?

Sovereignty is important if Australia's allied countries restrict, redirect or deny us access to the sensor data and control. Australia needs the data in order for Defence to develop a sovereign Space capability, therefore we need to have it on our soil or controlled by us. CyberOps has the capability to collect sovereign data through SpaceIq.

Who is SpaceIQ useful for?

SpaceIQ was developed with Australian Defence in mind, however SpaceIQ is useful for anyone who wants to know what signals are being transmitted on land, air, sea and space.